DHL SERVICEPOINT » UK News Thu, 08 Aug 2013 10:19:42 +0000 en hourly 1 Win a FREE shipment to anywhere in the world Thu, 08 Aug 2013 10:19:42 +0000 admin Continue reading ]]>

How would you like the chance to send a parcel with DHL Service Point for FREE? Well, here it is!


We’re giving you the opportunity to win one FREE parcel shipment from the UK to any part of the world*, which you can send from any one of our many DHL Service Points available nationwide at select Ryman, Staples, WHSmith, Safestore and Homebase stores.

Fill in your details here to enter. It’s that simple.

Hurry, the competition ends on 31st August 2013.

*Subject to Terms and Conditions upon entry. The shipment must be pre-arranged with DHL prior to sending

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Celebrating Independence Day Wed, 03 Jul 2013 11:34:54 +0000 admin Continue reading ]]>

On 4th July 1776, the United States declared its independence from Great Britain and the date has remained as a big day of celebration for Americans…


If you have family or friends in the States, more than likely they’ll be celebrating 4th July with backyard BBQs and explosive fireworks. DHL helps families and friends celebrate special events, like Independence Day, regardless of the distance between them.

We make it easy to send gifts to your friends this Independence Day. With over 1,300 Service Points nationwide, we’re sure to be on a high street near you. So, once you’ve found the perfect present, just take it to your local Service Point and we’ll send it on its way!

Why not impress them with some of our favourite 4th July facts?

  • On 4th July 1776, America declared its independence from Britain. It was the separation of 13 colonies from Great Britain.
  • Each year on 4th July, Americans celebrate that freedom and independence with barbecues, picnics and family gatherings.
  • The estimated population on 4th July 2013 is 316.2 million
  • Three of America’s first five presidents died on 4th July.
  • 150 million hotdogs are consumed on 4th July every year
  • 700 million lbs of chicken is purchased in the week leading up to 4th July
  • 190 million lbs of red meat/pork is purchased in the week leading up to 4th July
  • 25 million lbs of fireworks is sold to cities for public celebrations
  • 11: number of places in the US with “Independence” in their name

Sources: (CNN, The Herald Tribune, US Census Bureau as of 7.3.2012)

Whilst we can’t deliver sizzling BBQs or explosive fireworks, we can help you join your American buddies in spirit by celebrating Independence Day with a hamper full of American goodies. Click here to find out more about our new competition. But hurry, it closes tomorrow!

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Father’s Day gifts for the dad who has it all’s-day-gifts-for-the-dad-who-has-it-all/’s-day-gifts-for-the-dad-who-has-it-all/#comments Mon, 10 Jun 2013 09:44:57 +0000 admin Continue reading ]]>

Father’s Day is widely celebrated on the third Sunday of June every year by many different countries. Check out our top 5 alternative Father’s Day gifts to show your dad how special he truly is…

Choosing the perfect gift for Father’s Day can leave even the most skilled shopper in a trickier than anticipated situation. It can be a dreary thought when those ‘days-of-the-week socks’ or ‘novelty ties’ seem like a good idea. The question is what do you buy the dad who really does have everything?

Gift shopping is not an easy task but these top 5 alternative Father’s Day gift ideas may spark your imagination.

The Chef Dad – The Obsessive Chef is the perfect gift for those dads who like everything to be ‘just so’. This 9 x 12 inch cutting board made from super-durable, sustainable Bamboo is the perfect gift to aid your dad with the skill of precision vegetable chopping.

The Obsessive Chef

The DIY Dad - This classy tool set is the impeccable design of Jonas Damon. The sleek Beechwood tool set includes: flashlight, screwdriver, spirit level and collapsible yardstick. Let your dad work away in vintage style this summer.


The Traveller Dad - This unusual map is the perfect way for your dad to show off where in the world he has travelled. The Scratch Map features a gold foil top layer that can be scratched off to reveal a colourful, unique record of travel and is ideal for the dad who likes to remember all of his great adventures.

Scratch Map

The Gardener Dad - This indoor windowsill allotment should really hit the spot with any budding gardener. Perfect for the dad who hasn’t enough time to be outdoors, or even for the dad who just can’t get enough of gardening. Add a new dimension to your dad’s kitchen and help him get his herbs growing!

Indoor Allotment

The Wildlife Dad - This innovative window bird feeder is perfect for the dad who loves watching wildlife. Made from recyclable and highly durable plastic, the feeder is environmentally friendly and is an idyllic environment for small birds. Let your dad admire all things wildlife from the comfort of his own home.

Window Bird Feeder

DHL Service Point makes it easy to send gifts to your dad this Father’s Day. With over 1,300 Service Points nationwide, we’re sure to be on a high street near you. So, once you’ve found the perfect present, just take it to your local Service Point and we’ll send it on its way!

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Make your mother’s day’s-day/’s-day/#comments Fri, 01 Mar 2013 11:46:31 +0000 admin Continue reading ]]>

Will you be apart from your mum this Mother’s Day? Whether she’s in London or Lagos, Kent or Kano, DHL Service Point will help you make her day.


Forget the flowers and chocolates, she deserves something special! For your chance to win a Pamper Hamper packed full of indulgent goodies for your mum to relax with, just follow us on Twitter @dhlservicepoint, find our special Mother’s Day message and retweet it – it’s that simple!

Good luck!

Terms & conditions

  1. The draw is open to all @dhlservicepoint Twitter followers that retweet our Mother’s Day message.
  2. The prize is a pamper hamper. This is non transferrable and cannot be exchanged for cash or any other prize of equivalent value.
  3. The closing date for all entries is 23.59 on Sunday 10th March 2013
  4. The winner will be drawn at random from all eligible entries received.
  5. The winner will be notified by 12th March 2013 by Twitter. Failure to respond within seven days of notification will result in the prize being withdrawn and a replacement winner drawn.
  6. The Draw is open to UK residents aged 18 and over only. Entry is free and no purchase is necessary.
  7. The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
  8. DHL employees and agencies working on behalf of DHL and their immediate families are not eligible to enter the Draw.
  9. The winner agrees that DHL International (UK) Ltd their subsidiaries, affiliates, related companies and employees, and any other sponsors and Prize providers shall have no liability in connection with acceptance or use of any of the Prizes awarded in the Draw. We reserve the right to disqualify any entrant and/or winner at our absolute discretion.
  10. Winners may be required to participate in publicity.
  11. The details of the winner can be requested by writing enclosing a stamped addressed envelope to the promoter at: Marketing Department, DHL International (UK) Limited, 178-188 Great South West Road, Hounslow, Middlesex, TW4 6JS.
  12. English law applies and the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts shall prevail.

The Promoter:

DHL International (UK) Ltd, 178-188 Great South West Road, Hounslow, Middlesex TW4 6JS.

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Snap the Van to Win! Wed, 23 Jan 2013 10:09:58 +0000 admin Continue reading ]]>

Following the success of the Harlequins’ Heineken Cup campaign, we’re offering you the chance for victory too!

Snap the van!

Last week, DHL delivered over a tonne of equipment to Southern France ahead of Harlequins’ game against Biarritz. The team secured a place in the Heineken Cup quarter-final and we need your help in supporting them to victory.

There is a DHL van (as pictured above) with images of three top Harlequins players – Danny Care, Chris Robshaw and Jordan Turner-Hall – driving around the vicinity of the Harlequins’ training ground in Guildford. For your chance to win one of five signed Harlequins shirts, we just want you to snap a photograph of the van and tweet us at @dhlservicepoint using the hashtag #snapthevan.

The competition ends on Thursday 28th February and we will announce the winners on Twitter on Friday 1st March.

Good luck!

Keep up to date with the latest Harlequins news by following the team on Twitter at @QuinsRugbyUnion.

Please note: we encourage all participants to act safely and take reasonable precautions to ensure their safety whilst taking photographs of the van.

Terms and conditions

1. The draw is open to all @dhlservicepoint Twitter followers and DHL Service Point blog users who correctly tweet a photograph of the Harlequins branded van using the hashtag #snapthevan.

2. The Prize is one signed Harlequins Rugby shirt. This is non transferrable and cannot be exchanged for cash or any other prize of equivalent value.

3. The closing date for all entries is 23.59 GMT on Thursday 28th February.

4. Only one entry per person is allowed.

5. The winners will be drawn at random from all eligible entries received.  The winners will be notified on Friday 1st March by Twitter. Failure to respond within seven days of notification will result in the prize being withdrawn and a replacement winner drawn.

6. The draw is open to UK residents aged 18 and over only. Entry is free and no purchase is necessary.

7. The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

8. DHL employees and agencies working on behalf of DHL and their immediate families are not eligible to enter the Draw. The winner(s) agree that DHL International (UK) Ltd their subsidiaries, affiliates, related companies and employees, and any other sponsors and Prize providers shall have no liability in connection with acceptance or use of any of the Prizes awarded in the Draw. We reserve the right to disqualify any entrant and/or winner at our absolute discretion.

9. Winners may be required to participate in publicity.

10. The details of winners can be requested by writing enclosing a stamped addressed envelope to the promoter at: Marketing Department, DHL International (UK) Limited, 178-188 Great South West Road, Hounslow, Middlesex, TW4 6JS.

11. English law applies and the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts shall prevail.

12. All activities are undertaken at the participant’s risk and neither DHL nor Harlequins Rugby Club will be held responsible for any damage (accidental or otherwise), personal injury or loss suffered by any participants or have any other liability at all to any party as a result of this competition.

Data Protection:

Your personal details are important to us and will be used fairly, in confidence and kept secure for no longer than necessary for the herein purpose in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998. The Act gives you the right to access information held about you. Your right of access can be exercised in accordance with the Act. Any access request may be subject to a fee of £10 to meet our costs in providing you with details of the information we hold about you.

If at any time you wish to update or correct any personal information DHL holds about you or you no longer wish us to use the information, please write to: DHL Express Contact Centre – Customer Services Millenium House, East Midlands, Unit 5 Argosy Road, Castle Donington, Derbyshire DE74 2SA.  Tel: 08701 100 300 Email:

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Don’t let your thesis take over your summer’t-let-your-thesis-take-over-your-summer/’t-let-your-thesis-take-over-your-summer/#comments Mon, 02 Jul 2012 14:40:40 +0000 admin Continue reading ]]>

As swarms of undergrads disappear home to enjoy the summer break, you’re stuck on campus writing your thesis. But you can still enjoy your summer too! Find out how to keep on top of your work with Service Point…

Don't let your thesis take over your summer

1. Planning is key

If you haven’t already picked a topic and put together a detailed plan, get started now. Reading is key to developing a good plan, but this will take time so it is important to start your research early.

Think about the structure your thesis will take and plan your chapters. The more you plan, the better disciplined you’ll be, and the more likely it is you’ll get a good result.

Create a timetable to make sure you stay on track. Give yourself regular breaks, get plenty of sleep and eat well – these will help to keep your brain active.

It is also important to talk to your supervisor from an early stage, as well as other students, discussing ideas and methods for writing your thesis.

2. Write as you go

It can be tempting to leave writing your thesis until after your research, but it’s a good idea to take notes as you go. To make life easier, consider using a software tool like Reference Manager to keep track of your references, or you may never be able to find them again!

It’s important to review and proofread your work once it’s complete. Mistakes, including typos, undermine the professional quality of your work, and will impact on your overall result.

Finally, make sure you have a complete references section or bibliography highlighting your sources.

3. Use your supervisor

After all, that’s what they’re there for. Your dedicated supervisor will support you throughout your thesis by reading drafts and offering feedback, helping you to get the best result possible.

4. Get your work organised and looking great!

You’ll have accumulated lots of notes and it’s a good idea to keep them in folders, making them easy to find. You’ll find all your stationery needs at Staples.

After spending such a long time creating your work, it’s only fair to get it looking great! Again, Staples is the place to go to get your thesis printed and bound. Click here to see if these services are on offer with Staples this week.

5. Sell the books you no longer need

Unless you’re planning on a career in academia, chances are you’re not going to need the books you used to do your research again.

So sell them on and pack a profit! With Service Point, you don’t get charged by the weight of your package – perfect for a box full of heavy books!

Find out more about Service Point here.

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How to save for a year abroad: 10 top tips Tue, 15 May 2012 14:18:38 +0000 admin Continue reading ]]>

Here at DHL Service Point, we like to give helpful tips and advice to students. And as our parcels travel around the world every day, we thought it would be a great idea to give some useful tips to those of you who are thinking of doing the same!


We asked top online hostel booking site, Hostelbookers, if they’d like to share some top tips for saving money before and whilst travelling, and luckily for you – they said yes! So here they are: 10 top tips for saving money before and during your travels.

Save Before

Before you hit the road, you need to make sure you’ll be able to support yourself throughout your travels. By doing a bit of research and making a few changes to your lifestyle before you set off on your big adventure, the pennies will soon add up.

1. Budget. Do your research and make sure you can afford to visit the countries you want to. The cost of living varies from place to place. For example, a bed for the night in Thailand will cost much less than it will in Australia, so make sure you know the price of accommodation, food and sights before you set off. Many countries also require you to get a visa before entry – you can send visas and important documents around the world using DHL Service Point.

2. Before leaving, you must check with your bank to find out what charges they have for overseas withdrawals – the fees will soon add up. Traveller’s cheques or specialist travel spending cards give you much better exchange rates and are worth looking into. It’s also advisable to clear any debts you may have. If you have credit cards, complete payments where possible or move debts to one account to make it easier to keep track of your money.

3. Don’t buy everything in the shops. Chances are, unless you’re climbing Machu Picchu, you won’t need hiking boots or sleeping bags. They’re expensive, bulky, and difficult to carry around and you’ll probably end up throwing them away when you realise how much space in your bag they take up! If you really feel like you should have bought something, get your ‘rents to buy it and post it to you via their local Service Point – it’s that easy!

4. Although you’ll spend a lot of time waiting for trains, buses and planes, there’s no need to stock up on piles of books before you go. Most hostels have a book exchange service and many travellers swap books and country guides with each other after they’ve used them.

5. Take care of the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves. Instead of spending a few pounds on a sandwich from the local supermarket, make your lunch at home. Stop going out for dinner and buy a cheap cookbook down the local charity shop and get experimental in the kitchen – you’ll save loads and have fun. Cancel any luxuries you may have, like Sky television – you won’t have a chance to keep up with any programmes whilst you’re away, so we’re sorry to say that now is the time to finally give up watching Hollyoaks!

Save During

It’s imperative that you have enough money to keep you going throughout your travels. Think how upset you’d be if you ran out of money half way through your trip and had to come home. But don’t worry; there are easy ways to save money whilst on the road.

6. Now of course, we’re a little biased, but hostels are a cheap way to bed-hop around the world and a great way of meeting friends!  Whether you’re travelling alone, as a couple or a group of friends, staying in dormitory rooms is the cheapest way of grabbing a bed for the night. If you wish to have a bit more privacy, most hostels offer private rooms at a reasonable price. In some hostels, you can also work for your accommodation. It’s not glamorous, but it’s a free bed at the end of the day! Check out our range of hostels here.

7. Travel like a local. After all, you’ve gone abroad to experience life in other countries, so why fly or take tourist buses or trains, which are often overpriced? Transport is very good in many countries. For example in South America, the bus services are fantastic, even in second class. You will get reclining seats, films to watch and sometimes even a hot meal, for a fraction of the price of a first class ticket.

8. Eat like a local. Many people shy away from trying the local cuisine or street food, and opt for the tourist restaurants. Big mistake. Street food is often freshly caught or prepared that day, and as you can see them making it in front of you, you know what’s going into it, unlike in a restaurant. Of course, common sense comes in to play here and you should always choose the busiest stalls – if the locals are eating there, it’s sure to be good. Another alternative to eating in restaurants is using the kitchen facilities that many hostels have nowadays.

9. Haggle. It may seem like a strange concept after coming from a country where everything is a fixed-price, but it is often expected in many markets and cultures around the world. Lose your inhibitions and give it a go – you never know what bargains you might pick up.

10. Finally, if you are a student, make sure you get an International Student Card, which is valid in 120 countries and can save you money at many attractions, stores and restaurants around the world.

Now you’ve got your money in check, there’s only one thing left to do – go out there and have some fun!

Remember to visit, a cheap and easy way to book accommodation around the world.

DHL Service Point is available in many locations around the UK. It’s ideal for sending important documents, including visas and passports, at a reasonable price.

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Ten top tips for international students moving to study in the UK Mon, 30 Apr 2012 09:03:16 +0000 admin Continue reading ]]>

This week Felicity West from UK Work Study takes us through some of her top tips for international students coming to study in the UK…

1. Plan your arrival in the UK

So your flight is booked and you know what time you’re due to land.  But have you planned your travel between the airport and your university? Many universities offer help and subsidised or discounted transfer arrangements for their international students.  Contact the International Office at your chosen university for details.

2. Bring local money with you

Make sure you have some British money (pound sterling – £) or a prepaid cash card topped up before you travel.  Bear in mind that most shops in the UK will not accept £50 notes, and buses usually will not accept anything larger than a £5 note.  A good option is to get a MasterCard® prepaid card, which you can top up in any currency from anywhere in the world.

UK Work Study’s Study Pack includes applications and help for getting a MasterCard prepaid card.

3. Pack for all weathers

The weather in the UK changes all the time and it is talked about daily.  A greeting between people often includes a comment about the weather: “It’s a bit nippy today isn’t it!” (It’s cold!), “It’s pouring out there!” (It’s raining really hard!), “Turned out nice again!” (What a surprise, it’s sunny!).

Check this website for common weather expressions to join in the conversation.

4. Go to your university’s freshers’ week

At universities in the UK, a freshers’ week is usually held before teaching officially starts. The week consists of many events specifically for new starters to get to know the university, city and each other.

The main part of freshers’ week is the freshers’ fair, which is held on campus and showcases the university clubs you can join. Joining a club is a great way to make friends.

The NUS (National Union of Students) will also be there.  For just £11 you can get an NUS Extra card which entitles you to 40,000 discounts in 120 countries as well as cheap entry into locally run university events.

5. Get a UK phone number

Make sure you have a UK sim card (and phone number) with you from day one.  It will cost you less to keep in touch with your new friends at university, as well as when calling your friends and family back home to tell them what a great time you’re having!

There are many available to buy in the UK, but The UK Work Study’s Study Pack includes a UK sim card with credit on that is sent to you in your home country BEFORE you come to the UK.

6. Bring an alarm clock

The whole of the UK is on Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).  Don’t rely on your natural body clock or the noise of your flat mates to wake you – bring a small battery powered alarm clock to make sure you are up and ready to go!

7. Register with a UK doctor

Most universities provide an on-campus GP (general practitioner) who can act as your doctor for minor ailments and complaints whilst you are away from home.  Ask your international student officer for advice and information about the services available at your university.

Remember, in a serious medical emergency you can call 999 for an ambulance. This is also the same number if you need to speak to the police or fire brigade.

NHS Direct also have a website with a symptoms checker and other medical information and advice.

8. Get the resources needed for your studies in advance

You will need a supply of pens, paper and folders for your studies.  Most universities have bookshops on campus where you can purchase these.

You may also have been sent a reading list for your first term, or will receive it on your registration.  Order these from the bookshop as soon as possible as many people will be wanting the same books as you and stocks may run out fast!

One piece of equipment you may want to consider is an audio note-taker. It can be hard to make notes and remember everything that was said during a lecture, even if English is your first language!

The UK Work Study’s Study Pack includes a discount voucher for the purchase of a Sonocent Audio Note Taker.

9. Make the most of the language services at your university

If you are reading this and coming to study in the UK for university, you can probably understand English quite well.  But how confident are you at having a conversation in English?  Every former international student we spoke to for this article said they wished they had used their English more from day one.

The university experience is new for everyone, no matter where they come from. Remember, it’s not just the education you are coming to the UK for, it’s for new experiences and culture.  Don’t be afraid to use English, it will only get better the more you speak it and will make you very employable in your future career.

10. Learn how to make a cup of tea

This is the most important tip.  Almost everyone in the UK drinks tea. A lot!  There are many coffee shops on every high street in Britain – there’s probably one on your university campus – but when the British get home they ‘put the kettle on’ (make a cup of tea).

Learn how to make the perfect cuppa here.

Finally, don’t forget to have fun.  Now go and put the kettle on!

Find out more about the work of UK Work Study via their website, email or twitter.

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Top tips for students set to travel the world Wed, 29 Feb 2012 12:29:43 +0000 admin Continue reading ]]>

Here are our five essential tips to make sure you’re well organised before you kick off your travels abroad.

Student Travel

So you’re having a great time studying in the UK, learning new cultures and making new friends. But it’s coming to that time where you’re probably be thinking about what to do next.

Many students opt to go travelling after their studies to expand their horizons and to escape from home and work for as long as possible! You may see yourself as a bit of a free spirit but we urge you to make sure you’re well prepared before you travel.

Where in the world?

Firstly, you need to get a good idea of where you’d like to go. Be practical about the cost of transport, accommodation and living.

There are lots of useful companies that can help you figure out where to visit, such as STA Travel and Travelbag. Websites like Hostelworld and HostelBookers can help you book cheap accommodation.

Something else to look into is an International Student Card, which gives you lots of discounts around the world, including at Hostelworld.

Law and border

Many places require you to have a visa before travel into their country. Visas can be easily obtained at many embassies around London. Getting hold of them can take time, so plan ahead. You can find a full list of embassies in the UK and their location here.

You must also make sure that your passport is up to date. In the UK, a British passport must remain valid for at least six months after your scheduled return to the UK. For more info on passport regulations, click here.

Insure and go

Before you travel, make sure you have travel insurance in place in case of any accidents along the way.

A common pitfall is to buy the insurance that is offered through your travel operator. This could mean you’re paying over the odds.

There is a range of policies available, so it’s worth shopping around for the best deal. Websites such as MoneySupermarket, SquareMouth and Martin Lewis’ Money Saving Expert are very useful for this.

Safety first

It’s also advisable to get vaccinations sorted before entering many countries. You can get advice about travel vaccinations from your GP, the practice nurse at your doctors’ surgery or at a travel clinic.

Whether you need any vaccines will depend on the country you’ll be travelling to, whether you have any medical conditions and whether you’re taking any medication. Find more info here.

Money makes the world go round

Another thing to think about is how you will get hold of local currency in different countries.

Never change money at the airport, as they tend to give the worst exchange rates. There are many options available to you and you can save £s by using specialist travel spending cards that give you great exchange rates.

Find loads of useful info on cheap travel money at MSE.

All aboard

Now the essentials are covered you can concentrate on the fun bit – planning your journey.

And remember, DHL Servicepoint is available in many locations around the UK. It’s ideal for sending important documents, including visas and passports, at a reasonable price.

Coming Soon! Keep an eye out for our great competition, where there’s £100 of High Street vouchers up for grabs.

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What can’t I send with DHL Servicepoint?’t-i-send-with-dhl-servicepoint/’t-i-send-with-dhl-servicepoint/#comments Mon, 03 Oct 2011 13:09:53 +0000 admin Continue reading ]]>

It’s always worth checking that the item you’re sending can be accepted for delivery. The list of items prohibited for shipment within the UK might surprise you…

DHL Packaging

Sending a present to someone special? Birthday, wedding or Christmas – whatever the occasion, DHL Servicepoint offers convenient and cost-effective delivery options to locations across the world. Perfect for making sure your presents are delivered quickly, with the care and attention you’d expect from the world’s leading logistics company.

But it’s worth remembering there are some things even we can’t deliver. This includes all those things that are prohibited for carriage by national or local laws and regulations. And the list includes a few potential gift items that might surprise you.

Here’s a quick rundown of some of the things we unfortunately can’t accept for shipment within the UK:

  • Jewellery (or anything made from precious metals and stones) worth more than £1000 (per waybill)
  • Watches with a value in excess of £1000 (per waybill)
  • More than one electronics item (e.g. X-Box, MP3 Player, iPad) in a single package
  • Designer clothing worth more than £1000 (per waybill)
  • Costume jewellery worth more than £250 per item
  • Antiques or works of art worth more than €50,000

For our full list of prohibited items, click here

If you have any queries about your shipment, drop our customer services team a line on: 0844 248 0844.

For more information on DHL Servicepoint visit:

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