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Tag Archives: university
International Students’ Summer Holiday Options
What are your plans for this summer? David from Foreign Students takes us through his top tips for international students’ summer holiday options… If you’re an international student in the UK right now, chances are you’re in the middle of … Continue reading
Posted in DHL Servicepoint, International students, Students, Travel
Tagged courier, delivery, delivery service, DHL, dhl service point, DHL Servicepoint, holidays, international, international students, package, packaging, Parcel, post office, royal mail, Servicepoint, students, Summer Holiday, university
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A Freshers’ Survival Guide
Moving away from home, living in a new city and making new friends can make going to university a daunting experience. But there’s no need to panic! Follow these top tips and you’ll be just fine… Before you go 1. … Continue reading
10% off your first DHL Service Point shipment at Staples
Get a massive 10% off your first shipment when you send with DHL Service Point from any Staples store in the UK. Perfect for sending that dirty washing home! Times are tough for uni students. Fees are on the rise. … Continue reading
Posted in DHL Servicepoint, International students, Money saving, Students, Uncategorized
Tagged delivery, DHL, DHL Servicepoint, DHLServicepoint, dirty washing, packaging, parcels, post office, royal mail, saving time, Service Point, Servicepoint, shipping, students, university, worldwide
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Don’t let your thesis take over your summer
As swarms of undergrads disappear home to enjoy the summer break, you’re stuck on campus writing your thesis. But you can still enjoy your summer too! Find out how to keep on top of your work with Service Point… 1. … Continue reading
Posted in DHL Servicepoint, International students, Students, Thesis
Tagged advice, delivery service, DHL, DHL Servicepoint, DHLServicepoint, Masters, MSc, NEWS, packaging, parcels, PhD, post office, royal mail, saving time, Servicepoint, students, Thesis, UK, university
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What can’t I send with DHL Servicepoint?
It’s always worth checking that the item you’re sending can be accepted for delivery. The list of items prohibited for shipment within the UK might surprise you… Sending a present to someone special? Birthday, wedding or Christmas – whatever the … Continue reading
Posted in Travel
Tagged 4th July, 4th of July, abroad, Acton, advice, Alibaba, America, Boxes, business, BusinessLink, Christmas, christmas comp, christmas posting, christmas posting dates, cinema, comp, courier, dad, delivery, delivery service, DHL, dhl christmas posting, dhl service point, DHL Servicepoint, DHLitNow, dirty washing, Duke & Duchess of Cambridge, Easter, ebay, economy, egg, eggs, entrepreneurship, export, Express, Fedex, fourth of July, Free, Freshers, gap year, golf balls, guide, Harlequins, Hatfield, Hostelbookers, Independence Day, international, international couriers, international delivery, International students, July 4th, leaving home, mail, Masters, May 12th, mother, Mother's Day, mothers, MSc, mum, mums, One Stop, package, package shipping, packaging, Parcel, parcel number, parcel tracking, parnter, PhD, Plymouth, post office, postal service, posting, posting dates, posts, present, price, promotional, received, Royal Baby, Royal Couple, royal mail, royal mail christmas, Royalbaby, Ryman, safestore, save, saving, security, send, send a parcel, sent, Service Point, Servicepoint, ship, shipment, shipping, shop, shopping, socks, spot the van, storage, store, student life, student union, study, Summer Holiday, survival, Thesis, TNT, Tooting, tracking, trading, travel, travelling, UK, university, US, USA, van, weird, world, worldwide, xmas post, xmas posting dates
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